7 Exercises to Do Everyday

This resource provides you with 7 exercises to do everyday, for 9 areas of the body that will reliably restore any youthful vigor you feel like you've lost along the way.

Your age doesn't matter, your shape and size doesn't matter! 

Anyone can do these exercises. In fact It's more accurate to call them movements than exercises. 

The Big Payoff!

You will be shocked at how easy it was to get back to loving the way it feels to be in your body! Without sweat, strain risk of injury.

7 Exercises to Do Every Day For Foot and Ankle Health

7 Exercises to Do Everyday for Foot and Ankle Health

Foot and ankle health is all about injury prevention. Feet and ankles that are healthy are pliable and in control which is the key to keeping all of our joints safe for the ages.

  • Our feet are our connection to the ground.
  • The force of our feet making contact with the ground as we move, communicates lots of information up to us.
  • The more force we can create in our foot and ankle, the farther and faster we can advance in gait. 

These 7 exercises to do everyday for foot and ankle health will almost immediately increase the ankle mobility and the power you need to propel yourself through space.

Read more and try these exercises and get that spring back in your step fast!

7 Exercises to Do Everyday For Lower Leg Health

7 Exercises to Do Everyday for Lower Leg Health

Ankle and knee health is all about improving balance and agility, when your feet and ankles propel you through life.

The fitness world is spending too much time telling you to take care of the middle of your body which disregards your connection to the ground.

Lower legs in good health Improve the communication received from the ground through your feet. The benefits of that include:

  • Increased dexterity to respond to obstacles your environment presents to you.
  • The elimination of knee pain if you have any.

When we focus on ankle and knee health where gaining mobility. And the effects of that can be felt farther up in your hips and low back. Remember, everything is connected!

7 Exercises to Do Everyday For Upper Leg Health

7 Exercises to Do Everyday for Upper Leg Health

The Quadriceps, Hamstrings, and Glutes are the muscles that help us run, jump, and climb. So, seeing to your upper leg health ensures your ability to propel your body through space with both ease and efficiency.

  • Strength in these muscles combined with the mobility and control of the joints above and below them is what leads to these and efficiency.
  • Lacking strength in these muscles limits the range of motion of your thigh, which cause your body to recruit from above and below. If you notice that;

 Your upper legs could use some additional conditioning if

  • You arch your back when moving the thigh behind you or
  • You roll your ankles out to the side instead of moving your thigh to the side.
7 Exercises to Do Everyday For Hip Stability

7 Exercises to Do Everyday for Hip Stability

Hip stability is about a lot more than you probably realize! Ensure your hip stability and you accomplish a lot toward the goal of creating a body that is a joy to live in. Signs of hip stability include:

  • The ability to keep your hip square while standing on 1 foot
  • You can control the entire range of motion in your hip socket when moving your thigh.

Additionally, hip stability allows you to protect the joints above in the sacrum and lower vertebrae. It leads to more stability in your spine while helping the hips and the shoulders to work together in large full body movements like those in golf and tennis.

7 Exercises to Do Everyday For Hip Mobility

7 Exercises to Do Everyday for Hip Mobility

Gaining and maintaining hip mobility is the key to healthy, easeful mobility throughout your life. When your hips are mobile:

  • Your stride is longer and you can move farther
  • It’s easy to get to the ground and back up again
  • Your balance is better.

They say that sitting is the new smoking unless you are sitting on the floor! Seeing to your hip mobility supports a healthy spine, shoulders and knees. 

  • When you move your thigh bone in the hip socket for your entire stride the discs in your spine are safe.
  • When you can get up and down from the floor with ease that means your shoulders and knees take less force and are going to last longer!
7 Exercises to Do Everyday For Spine Stability

7 Exercises to Do Everyday for Spine Stability

Spine stability is an insurance policy for physical well-being. your spine is stable when you’re in control of its movement as well as being in control of keeping it still. Spine stability supports all locomotion running, walking, crawling, climbing or swimming. The benefits of a stable spine include:

  • More longevity from protecting your spinal joints & discs
  • A greater overhead reach
  • Higher jumps and safer landings

Some signs that you have a stable spine are:

  • When you don't notice any aches or pains
  • When you don't think about your spine when moving
  • When knee pain that you might've had goes away!

Don't  miss out on the "quality of life improving" benefits of a stable spine.

7 Exercises to Do Everyday For Spine Mobility

7 Exercises to Do Everyday for Spine Mobility

Spine mobility means that the force that travels through the entire spine is equally distributed throughout the many joints of the spine instead of just a few decreasing wear and tear. So it can be said that putting effort into having a healthy mobile spine is like tapping into a fountain of youth. 

3 benefits from improved spine mobility in 3 planes of motion

  • Forward and back - flexion and extension - Increased reach in front, behind and above you.
  • Side to side - lateral flexion and extension - Keeps your neck safe by distributing force in the upper spine
  • Rotation - an arc around your spine - Increases your  wingspan and deliver more power in activities like golf and tennis
7 Exercises to Do Everyday For Neck and Shoulders

7 Exercises to Do Everyday for Neck and Shoulder Health

Neck and shoulder health means ensuring your head has a solid base of support. That’s important because the head, one of the heaviest parts of your body, houses the brain. That requires your neck to provide a strong base of support. Our shoulders organize the use of our arms, elbows, wrists and fingers all responsible for our most Intricate motor capabilities. 

Neck and shoulder health have been improved when:

  • It’s easy to work at your computer.
  • You find yourself sitting without propping the weight of your head on your hand.
  • You don’t have to think twice about reaching things on high shelves.
  • You notice that you haven’t been thinking about your neck and shoulders!
7 Exercises to Do Everyday For Hands Wrists and Elbows

7 Exercises to Do Everyday for Hand Wrist and Elbow Health

Putting effort into having healthy hands, wrists and elbows means giving yourself:

  • More dexterity and agility for fine motor skills
  • Better support for upper extremity weight-bearing activities

The best way to increase joint health is through movement. So, your hands, wrists and elbows offer tremendous improvement opportunities because of the number of joints in them! Improve Their ability to move and you improve the quality of life.

You know you’ve improved hand wrist and elbow health when:

  • The use of your hands, wrists and elbows do not draw your conscious attention.
  • You find yourself enjoying touch sensations more.

Remember, your hands have fine sensory nerves making them your brains window to your world. 

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