January 4

Conquering Foot Pain While Walking: A 24 Day Journey to Relief

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The Limiting Burden of Foot Pain While Walking

Foot pain while walking is one of the most life limiting issues a human being can be faced with. After all, our feet are the vehicles we use to move through life. Often it is simply tolerated until it becomes unbearable which is a big mistake because foot pain is almost always very easily solved, assuming there is no physical injury.  

Mark's journey began with this all-too-common problem. In August of 2023 at age 60. Mark reported experiencing persistent left heel pain in addition to right knee tendinitis and tightness in his right hip. 

The Discouragement That Accompanies Foot Pain While Walking

Otherwise healthy and in reasonably good shape, Mark was not willing to accept the fate of so many of his peers who were reporting knee, and hip replacements and other surgeries all to common among the over 60 crowd! Stepping out for a walk, only to be greeted by sharp, persistent foot pain while walking was unacceptable. This was Mark's reality, with every step reminding him of his discomfort, discouraging him from the joy of daily activities like a nice walk.

Steps Towards Eliminating Foot Pain While Walking

The solution to overcoming foot pain  while walking, lies in dedicated and informed attention to the restoration of lost function responsible for the pain. Mark found relief through the prescriptive movement formulas found in our Feelness Body Shop Restoration and Maintenance Program

His journey began by spending just 10 to 15 minutes a day rotating through the 7 movement prescriptions that target foot and ankle health, lower and upper leg health, and hip health. These movements were simple, easy to learn, could be done anywhere and included nothing resembling strenuous exercise. Those qualities are what defines Feelness itself. Learn more here

The Joy of Pain-Free Steps

The outcome of such dedicated effort is transformative. Mark's consistent practice toward his goal of eliminating foot pain while walking led to significant improvements in his heel pain, knee and hip pain within the first 9 days with an average of only 14 minutes a day of relaxed effort.

Fast-forward 14 more days, and Mark went from rating the experience of walking as ”Very Unhappy” to “Most Happy”, the rating is the absence of the pain he started with.  

Mark says, “The more I did these movements the better I felt. I began to slow down and really pay attention to the sensations I was feeling.“ 

Here’s a summary of the time and energy that went into Mark’s journey to eliminating foot pain while walking.

  • Day 1 through 3, Feelness Rating: Very Unhappy.
  • Day 4 through 7, Feelness Rating: Moderately unhappy
  • Day 8 through 13, Feelness Rating: Little Unhappy
  • Day 14 through 17, Feelness Rating: Neutral
  • Day 18 Through 20, Feelness Rating: Getting Happy
  • Day 21 through 22, Feelness Rating: Moderately Happy
  • Day 23 through 24, Feelness Rating: Most Happy

Total time = 837 minutes, - 34 minutes per day average!

Mark: “I never went to the gym, I never broke a sweat. I just followed the system!”

Now, he enjoys walks not as a source of pain, but as moments of joy and freedom. This could be your story too - a journey from pain to pleasure, one movement at a time.


About the author

Katrina Hawley

Veteran studio owner, senior Polestar Educator and adjunct staff at the in the Dance Division of the Hartt School at The University of Hartford. When not teaching clients, other teachers or dance students you will find Katrina playing with her cats Uncle Louis and Sadie Grace, hiking, cooking or listening to political podcasts while playing games on her phone.