October 14

A Promising 3 Class Series That Teaches You How To Start Exercising At Home

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When You Want To Start Exercising But You Don’t Know How

There is no shortage of information about why exercise is so incredibly beneficial. You know you should be doing it. But if you’re someone who doesn’t exercise, the thought of learning how to start exercising can be daunting! There are a lot of reasons that could be your motivation. Maybe you want to:

  • Lose weight
  • Keep up with your kids or grandkids
  • Be healthier overall
  • Age actively
  • Improve your mood

Or any other of the myriad reasons you might have! Any reason is a good reason, and most people start off with the best intentions. And then you Google, “how to start exercising”. 

The number of results is completely overwhelming.

There are a million different options and programs so where do you even start?! One place to start is the course Pilates Mat For New Exercisers and Active Agers right here on Fitstreams, but more about that in a bit.

If you’re someone who is still on the fence about how to start exercising, here’s a little encouragement to show you that exercise is, in fact, an achievable and beneficial habit to start.

The Benefits Of Learning How To Start Exercising

If you’re looking at how to start exercising, you’re probably already aware of the numerous benefits, both physically and mentally, exercise can have. 

Physical benefits can include

  • Help manage weight
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Help prevent injuries related to falls
  • Strengthen your bones and muscles

Mental benefits can include

  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Decreased stress
  • Better sleep

So it makes a LOT of sense to figure out how to start exercising because it is so beneficial. 

How do you go about doing that? 

  • Do you just pick a program and go with it?
  • What if it’s too advanced, even if it says it’s for beginners?
  • What if you hate it?
  • Which one should you try? 

Where To Find The Best “How To Start Exercising” Option

Luckily, Fitstreams has the perfect series for people who want to start exercising. 

Taught by Deanna Busch, Pilates Mat For New Exercisers and Active Agers is a 3-class, self-paced course that lays down and then builds upon foundational movement basics. 

Class 1 starts off slow with focus on the basics. This allows you to learn foundational movements and proper form. Perfect for someone looking to start an exercise program or add some gentle movements to their day.

Class 2 is a bit of a faster pace, but still a beginner-level class. There will be an extra focus on strength and balance, and this class will help improve important everyday movements such as getting up and down from a chair or the floor. Actively working on balance will help keep you stabile when something unexpected happens, which can happen anywhere at any time, especially as your activity increases! 

Class 3 will bring new and more challenging exercises that build on what you’ve already learned. This class is excellent for any age group with a solid grasp of beginner exercises. This class will flow at a quicker pace, but will still make sure you maintain the fundamentals. The focus will be on increasing strength and stamina.

You Can Do This!

Now that you have the perfect series to get your body ready for learning how to start exercising, you can only go forward from here!

Fitstreams has a 14 day free trial that will give you full access to Pilates Mat For New Exercisers and Active Agers, as well as all of the amazing content on Fitstreams.

You have nothing to lose, so get yourself started on the path to exercising today. Your body and mind will be so happy!

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About the author

Laurie Johnson

Laurie’s clear and candid cueing makes classes easy to follow without looking at the screen. Her wit and good nature create an enjoyable class that challenges your limits and celebrates your successes.