Yoga: Fundamentals To Advanced with Paul

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  • Yoga: Fundamentals To Advanced with Paul

Premium Course

Easy Intermediate & Advanced




12 Classes

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I recommend that you have completed an Introduction to Yoga.

if so, you’ve been moving through yoga poses and salutations. Now dive a little deeper into the structure of the pose. The Fundamentals to Advanced classes look at individual categories of poses. First explore the poses fundamentally. Then build on your knowledge of the poses, perfect different transitions, more subtle and rigorous applications of the poses.

Standing Poses:
After completing the Fundamentals to Advanced: Standing Poses classes, you will feel more connected to the Earth and the relationship to space. This means that you will feel the relationship between your legs and the remainder of the body as well as a firmness in the legs and a lightness in the body. All muscle groups will feel stronger and more stable as we work to create a firmness and solidity in these strengthening postures.

Practice the level 1 (Fundamental) class until the concepts feel integrated in your body. Standing poses are always hard work, and you may always feel challenged by them. So, when you feel like your body has a firm grasp of the poses and basic directions, challenge yourself with the intermediate class, and look forward to the advanced class coming soon. Options will be given in the intermediate class to make some of the more difficult poses attainable.

After completing the Fundamentals to Advanced: Twisting Poses classes, you will feel stronger and more flexible in the muscles around the waist and abdomen, more free in your spine, and more relaxed in your chest and shoulders.

Practice the level 1 (Fundamental) class until the concepts feel integrated in your body. Twists are intended to be freeing and releasing poses that passively tone and stretch the abdominal muscles and create a deep opening in the shoulders. You will be ready for the intermediate phase when you feel light, soft and free in the fundamental level class.

Look forward to the Advanced class coming soon.

Yoga: Fundamentals To Advanced with Paul

Fundamentals Level 1

4 Classes

Premium Course

In this fundamentals class, you will work with the basic entry, exit, and fundamental form of the poses. Poses will be done more often with shorter holdings to master the basic holding of the poses as well as the transitions in and out of the poses.

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Premium Course

In this, the twisting pose fundamentals class, you will work with the basic entry, exit, and the fundamental form of the poses.

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Premium Course

In the forward bending fundamentals session, we will slowly begin the process of opening up the hamstrings, and create a form to best approach these poses with a long, comfortable back and spine. Poses include: leg swings, downward facing dog, standing forward bend, wide legged standing forward Bend, staff pose, twist of the sage, legs up.

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Premium Course

In the balancing pose fundamentals session, we will build sensitivity in the feet and legs to develop a greater sense of balance. Positioning of the body and placing of the links makes a difference in these standing poses.

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Intermediate Level 2

4 Classes

Premium Course

In this intermediate standing poses class, you will work at refining the poses so that the legs, pelvis and torso are working together in each posture. Participants will hold the poses for longer, and work to move deeper into the postures both physically and mentally.

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Premium Course

In this, the intermediate twisting poses session, participants will work at refining the poses so chest, shoulders, and hips are prepared to move more deeply into twistings and prepare for bound twists. Participants will hold the poses for longer and work to move deeper into the postures both physically and mentally while exploring different transitions into and out of the postures.

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Premium Course

In this intermediate balancing poses session, participants will work with balancing poses that include deeper stretches, and take more weight on the hands - moving toward a few simple arm balances.

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Premium Course

In this intermediate balancing poses session, participants will work with balancing poses that include deeper stretches, and take more weight on the hands - moving toward a few simple arm balances.

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Advanced Level 3

4 Classes

Premium Course

In the advanced twists session, you will develop a more subtle intelligence in the shoulders, shoulder blades, and rib cage to bind freely and broaden the chest for refining twisting postures.

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Premium Course

In this advanced standing poses class, we will work deeply with the hips and legs to maximize rotation comfortably to bring the body into experienced variations of the postures.

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Premium Course

In this advanced forward bending session, you will work with advanced standing and seated forward bends. Emphasis will be placed on length in the torso and legs, breath, and release.

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Premium Course

In the advanced balancing poses session, you will work with the deep opening of the hips to advance further in arm balances and open the hamstrings to engage freely in standing hand-to-foot balances. You will also learn a simple way to explore headstands safely.

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About the instructor

Paul Menard

Director, Karuna Center for Yoga and Healing Arts
Yoga Instructor & Shiatsu Practitioner E-RYT 500, YACEP, AOBTA-CP

Paul Menard began studying yoga in 2002 and has maintained a passionate practice ever since. His background in classical dance gives him profound appreciation for the intricacy of the form that yoga affords. His elegance and grace shines through his postures and the execution of his teaching. Paul’s pursuit of a more spiritual practice led him to Karuna, where he feels blessed to have found such an open and welcoming community. In addition to yoga, Paul has a fervor for education. He completed his master’s degree in Adult Education and Training in early 2011 to complement his career as a workplace learning and development professional. He has completed the 300-hour advanced yoga teacher certification program at Karuna and is seeking other professional credentials as an educator. Paul is excited to connect his love of education and passion for yoga at Karuna.

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